Column ordering not correct DataTable + Qtip2 + Firefox

Column ordering not correct DataTable + Qtip2 + Firefox

derekwallacederekwallace Posts: 11Questions: 0Answers: 0

Im using JQuery 1.11.0, DataTable 1.10.5, Qtip 2.2.1 and Firefox 36.

Ive found this case where the column ordering does not work correctly in FireFox.
It does work correctly in IE 11 and Chrome.

There are 3 cases in the javascript.
1. DataTable with no Qtip2. Everything fine.
2. Qtip Init and then DataTable init. Column sorting not correct for some columns in firefox.
3. DataTable Init and then Qtip init. Everything fine.

Its a very odd one and ive spent about a day getting to this point.
Not sure where the root of the problem is.


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