FixedHeader using PageLines DMS2

FixedHeader using PageLines DMS2

jfsturtzjfsturtz Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0

Greetings. First-time poster, and I'm new to TablePress ...

I've recently tried installing TablePress and the TableTools and FixedHeader extensions into a WordPress site that uses PageLines DMS2 as the theme.

I have been able to get the FixedHeader extension to work in a vanilla site created with jsfiddle, and also in a test WordPress site that uses a stock theme (twentytwelve). However, all attempts to get it to work in the WordPress site that uses the PageLines DMS2 theme have failed.

Admittedly, PageLines DMS2 is a bit on the eccentric side as WordPress themes go, and I wouldn't be surprised if DMS2 were adding some HTML or CSS that is interfering. In particular, pages on a DMS2 site automatically have a fixed header region defined (you'll see what I mean if you look at the site), and I'm guessing that is what is causing the problem.

But I was wondering if anyone has had experience with this, or would have suggestions for how to make this work under DMS2. I am using the same TablePress and extensions installations in both cases, the same table definition, and the same shortcode.

Here is the URL for the WordPress/twentytwelve site in which the FixedHeader extension works:

Here is the URL for the page that uses PageLines DMS2, in which the FixedHeader extension does not work:

The code from the DataTables debugger run on the page that isn't working is: uhufat



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