Another problem of row sorting
Another problem of row sorting
I have yet another sorting problem, I just realized that my rows are not being sorted at all. This is my code:
clientsTable = $('.clientsTable').dataTable({
"fnDrawCallback": function() {
makeClientsTableClickable( );
"aaSorting": [[ 0, "asc" ]],
"aoColumns": [
{ "sWidth": "0%", "bSortable": true, 'bVisible': false },
{ "sWidth": "15%", "bSortable": false },
{ "sWidth": "20%" },
{ "sWidth": "15%" },
{ "sWidth": "25%" },
{ "sWidth": "25%", "bSortable": false }
"bJQueryUI": true,
"bAutoWidth": false,
"bPaginate": true,
"sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
"bProcessing": true,
"bLengthChange": true,
"bFilter": true,
"bStateSave": true,
"bDestory": true,
"bRetrieve": true,
"bInfo": true,
"oLanguage": {
"sProcessing": "Processing...",
"sSearch": "Search:",
"oPaginate": {
"sFirst": "First",
"sPrevious": "Previous",
"sNext": "Next",
"sLast": "Last"
'sDom' : '<"H"lfr>t<"F"ip>'
I am trying to sort table based on first row that is hidden. Regardless asc or desc it does not change order.
clientsTable = $('.clientsTable').dataTable({
"fnDrawCallback": function() {
makeClientsTableClickable( );
"aaSorting": [[ 0, "asc" ]],
"aoColumns": [
{ "sWidth": "0%", "bSortable": true, 'bVisible': false },
{ "sWidth": "15%", "bSortable": false },
{ "sWidth": "20%" },
{ "sWidth": "15%" },
{ "sWidth": "25%" },
{ "sWidth": "25%", "bSortable": false }
"bJQueryUI": true,
"bAutoWidth": false,
"bPaginate": true,
"sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
"bProcessing": true,
"bLengthChange": true,
"bFilter": true,
"bStateSave": true,
"bDestory": true,
"bRetrieve": true,
"bInfo": true,
"oLanguage": {
"sProcessing": "Processing...",
"sSearch": "Search:",
"oPaginate": {
"sFirst": "First",
"sPrevious": "Previous",
"sNext": "Next",
"sLast": "Last"
'sDom' : '<"H"lfr>t<"F"ip>'
I am trying to sort table based on first row that is hidden. Regardless asc or desc it does not change order.
This discussion has been closed.