How can I add another variables to server response and use them out of my tables ?

How can I add another variables to server response and use them out of my tables ?

LegeyaLegeya Posts: 1Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited September 2010 in General
Hi everyone !
I have a problem. For example I use wonderfull DataTables to draw many rows with some numbers, dates and something else. I made options to filter this data in many ways (I found how can I push additional variables in request to server). But I want server to send not only aaData and whatever it should DataTables works correctly, but for example sum of all numbers in my data base, sum of filtered numbers, number of days of period on what aaData was responsed. And more important, I want js on client side to show these additional values somewhere out of table, for example in some side feild of my HTML page with name "General info". Of couse I know how to do this on server side. But I don't know how to show these additional information out of table.
Please, be patient. Thank you for answers.
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