How I can fix first column?
How I can fix first column?
I created the code with "The generator", because I have little knowledge of js.
I've the following error "DataTables warning: table id=vehicles - Cannot reinitialise DataTable. For more information about this error, please see"
I've read de documentation about this error and I know that provides from double initialisation the but after several attempts, I'm unable to find the correct solution. I'm only want to fix first column in a datatable editor.
This is the debug:
This is my code:
$(document).ready(function() {
var editor = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor( {
"ajax": "php/table.vehicles.php",
"table": "#vehicles",
"fields": [
"label": "matricula",
"name": "matricula"
"label": "id_personal",
"name": "id_personal"
"label": "model",
"name": "model"
"label": "renting",
"name": "renting"
"label": "inici_renting",
"name": "inici_renting"
"label": "final_renting",
"name": "final_renting"
"label": "quota",
"name": "quota"
"label": "asseguran\u00e7a",
"name": "asseguranca"
"label": "inici_ass",
"name": "inici_ass"
"label": "final_ass",
"name": "final_ass",
"type": "date",
"dateFormat": "dd\/mm\/y"
"label": "quota_ass",
"name": "quota_ass"
"label": "franquicia",
"name": "franquicia"
"label": "pag_fran",
"name": "pag_fran"
"label": "proper_itv",
"name": "proper_itv"
} );
// Activate an inline edit on click of a table cell
$('#vehicles').on( 'click', 'tbody td:not(:first-child)', function (e) {
editor.inline( this );
} );
$(document).ready(function() {
var table = $('#vehicles').DataTable( {
scrollY: "300px",
scrollX: true,
scrollCollapse: true,
paging: false
} );
new $.fn.dataTable.FixedColumns( table );
} );
$('#vehicles').DataTable( {
"dom": "Tfrtip",
"ajax": "php/table.vehicles.php",
"scrollX": "100%",
"columns": [
"data": "matricula"
"data": "id_personal"
"data": "model"
"data": "renting"
"data": "inici_renting"
"data": "final_renting"
"data": "quota"
"data": "asseguranca"
"data": "inici_ass"
"data": "final_ass"
"data": "quota_ass"
"data": "franquicia"
"data": "pag_fran"
"data": "proper_itv"
"tableTools": {
"sRowSelect": "os",
"sRowSelector": 'td:first-child',
"aButtons": [
{ "sExtends": "editor_create", "editor": editor },
{ "sExtends": "editor_edit", "editor": editor },
{ "sExtends": "editor_remove", "editor": editor }
} );
} );
This question has an accepted answers - jump to answer
The error means what it says: you can't reinitialise DataTable.
The contents of the second call should be inside the first call.
Regarding fixed column, I would just get this working first.
Hi tangerie, thanks for responding so fast.
I'm sorry but I need more clear explanation, I have no experience in js, and every small step is very difficult for me.
I tried to modify the code following your explanations.
Below we show the second part of the code . With the changes that I believe understand.
But now it give me this error:
Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function
new $.fn.dataTable.FixedColumns( table, {
Have you included FixedColumns on your page? It can be obtained from the downloads page.
If you were to give us a link to the page, as required in the forum rules, we would immediately be able to say what the issue is.
Hi Allan,
I'm sorry you're right,
I have no experience in js, and every small step is very difficult for me.
I've read de documentation about this error and I know that provides from double initialisation, but after several attempts, I'm unable to find the correct solution.
After the reply of tangerine, I continued testing, but is impossible for me, could you say me exactly, the necessary modifications for a correct code.
The original issue remains - "Cannot reinitialise DataTable.".
I pointed you to the two initialising calls, but you haven't fixed them. The second one should be combined with the first.
Perhaps you should be looking at Paid Support options.
Hola tangerine.
Certainly the original issue reamins.
I put back because Allan asked me if the code was included FixedColums.
In another previous post I modified the code, with the modifications, that I believe you comment me, I understand that but I d'ont know how to apply it .
I believed the solution was much more simple.
I try to fight a bit more with code.
Where I can see a full code js datatable editor to understand how solve the double inisialitation, and the correct structure.
Hello all,
Finally I found the solution .
Then stick the code of how to initialize FixedColums dataTables editor.