Display two tables
Display two tables
I want to display two options say PHX and LEX and use jquery to display the corresponding table.
my cgi script has two table structures stored in $phx and $lex..So based on the user selection, only one variable would be printed.. I can do this with a simple form submission,but want to use jquery..
It would be great if i have those two radiobuttons in between show entries and search button of the table.
Any ideas would be appreciated...
I want to display two options say PHX and LEX and use jquery to display the corresponding table.
my cgi script has two table structures stored in $phx and $lex..So based on the user selection, only one variable would be printed.. I can do this with a simple form submission,but want to use jquery..
It would be great if i have those two radiobuttons in between show entries and search button of the table.
Any ideas would be appreciated...
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if i use sAjaxSource="json.cgi",it is working
Ok Here's my code:
var oTable;
\$(document).ready(function() {
oTable = \$('#example').dataTable( {
"sAjaxSource": 'json.cgi?period=$period',
"fnInitComplete": function ( oSettings ) {
\$(oTable.fnGetNodes()).click( function () {
var iPos = oTable.fnGetPosition( this );
var aData = oSettings.aoData[ iPos ]._aData;
} );
} );
} );