DataTables does this by default when using client-side processing. This can be confirmed by just changing one of the default examples where it says 'Gecko' to 'gecko'. DataTables will do a tolowercase() on all strings which are sorted, before sorting them, to make it case insensitive.
You might be using server-side processing(?), in which case the answer will be down to however your database does case insensitive sorting.
thanks for your answer.
I didn't realized that this comes from the database.
So, to be precise:
If someone is using this example:
and If you are using utf8_bin collation
to have case insensitive ordering you should change row 66 to:
[code]$sOrder .= "LOWER (".$aColumns[ intval( $_GET['iSortCol_'.$i] ) ].")[/code]
I'm sorry, but I still didn't figure that out.
Does someone knows if human ordering is possible?
Thank you
You might be using server-side processing(?), in which case the answer will be down to however your database does case insensitive sorting.
thanks for your answer.
I didn't realized that this comes from the database.
So, to be precise:
If someone is using this example:
and If you are using utf8_bin collation
to have case insensitive ordering you should change row 66 to:
[code]$sOrder .= "LOWER (".$aColumns[ intval( $_GET['iSortCol_'.$i] ) ].")[/code]