How do I change the highlight color for the sorted column(s) in R Shiny?

How do I change the highlight color for the sorted column(s) in R Shiny?

malloryks8malloryks8 Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0

Hi, I am new to DT and would like some help changing the sort highlight color in R Shiny.

I have the "ordering" and "orderMulti" set to TRUE. The default highlight color on the sorted column(s) is very light and I would like to know how to change it. Using the online example, I was able to change the header color for the table. I tried (and failed!) a similar method to edit the color for sorting_1.

Below is my R code. If packages "shiny" "DT" and "data.table" are installed, this code should run the app in R.


server <- function(input, output) {
  output$test_table <- DT::renderDataTable({
    mydata <- mtcars
  filter= list(position='top', clear=FALSE), 
  options = list(dom='<"wrapper"ftlip>', orderClasses = TRUE, orderMulti=TRUE, 
                 searchHighlight = TRUE,
                 search = list(regex = TRUE, caseInsensitive = TRUE),
                 initComplete = JS(
                   "function(settings, json) {",
                    "$(this.api().table().header()).css({'background-color': '#ff0000', 'color': '#000'});",
                    "$(this.api().column().sorting_1()).css({'background-color': '#ff0000', 'color': '#000'});",

ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage(

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Thank you in advance for your time!

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