Need help on setting width of the datatable column

Need help on setting width of the datatable column

MadhuSudhanMadhuSudhan Posts: 4Questions: 2Answers: 0

I am unable to set the width of the column of a datatable, Can you please provide me the modified code of the below:


C# server code :
public void ConvertAdhocDataToJSON(eUserRequestType RequestType)
const string infoImageTbl = "


const string infoImage = "


hdnAdhoc.Value = null;
DataTable Dt;
Dt = GetAdhocData(RequestType);
lblBGSchedulesNo.Visible = false;

        // Create JSON
        var dtDataRows = (from eachRow in Dt.AsEnumerable()
                          select new
                              RbtnCol = eachRow.Field<string>("RbtnCol").Trim(),
                              ProfileName = eachRow.Field<string>("ProfileName").Trim(),
                              JobStatus = eachRow.Field<string>("JobStatus").Trim(),
                              LastRunOn = eachRow.Field<string>("LastRunOn").Trim()


        #region BindingHedaer
        var ColNames = new List<object>();
        foreach (DataColumn eachColName in Dt.Columns)
            var columnDisplayName = string.Empty;
            var columnInternalName = eachColName.ColumnName;
            switch (columnInternalName.ToString())
                case "RbtnCol":
                    columnDisplayName = ".";
                case "ProfileName":
                    columnDisplayName = string.Format(infoImageTbl, infoImage, "Job Name"); // "Job Name";
                case "JobStatus":
                    columnDisplayName = string.Format(infoImageTbl, infoImage, "Status"); // "Status";
                case "LastRunOn":
                    columnDisplayName =  "Last Run Date";// "Last Run Date";
                    columnDisplayName = "";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(columnDisplayName))
                ColNames.Add(new { title = columnDisplayName, mDataProp = columnInternalName });

        var ToolTips = new List<object>();
        ToolTips.Add"Col1"); //col 1
        ToolTips.Add("col2"); //col 2

        //Create Label localization
        var returnData = (new
            TableData = dtDataRows,
            TableColNames = ColNames,
            ToolTipNames = ToolTips
        //Create string form of JSON
        JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
        var json = serializer.Serialize(returnData);
        hdnAdhoc.Value = json;
        ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "function", "<script type='text/javascript'>AdhocGrid();</script>", false);
        tabManageProfiles.SelectedTab = 2;
    catch (Exception Ex)
        Dt = null;
        this.oProfileSchedulesWebManager.LogError(this.oProfileSchedulesWebManager.oProfileScheduleData.clientId, this.oProfileSchedulesWebManager.oProfileScheduleData.userId, moduleName, "SchedulesAdminQueue", Ex);


Jquery Code :

/Adhoc Grid/
function AdhocGrid()
var JSONData = jQuery.parseJSON($("#hdnAdhoc").val());
var columnsAdhoc = JSONData.TableColNames;
var dsAdhoc = JSONData.TableData;
var ToolTipNames = JSONData.ToolTipNames;


$Adhoctable = $('#tblAdhocGrid');
//Setting grid properties
var tblAdhoc = $('#tblAdhocGrid').DataTable({
"data": dsAdhoc,
"columns": columnsAdhoc,
"aaSorting": [[3, "desc"]],
"bScrollInfinite": true,
"sScrollY": "400px",
"sScrollX": "100%",
"sScrollXInner": "100%",
"bScrollCollapse": true,
"bPaginate": true,
"fnDrawCallback": function()
"bAutoWidth": false // Disable the auto width calculation

//For Applying Tooltip
var sTitle;
sTitle = jQuery(this).text();
var colIndex = $(this).index();
if (colIndex == 1) { this.setAttribute('title', ToolTipNames[0]); }
else if (colIndex == 2) { this.setAttribute('title',ToolTipNames[1]);}
$(this).css("background", "");

// new $.fn.dataTable.FixedHeader(tblAdhoc);
} //End of Adhoc function

As i am not able to set the width of the columns whenever i am doing the resize of the window header columns width not increasing to maximum.

Please help me as soon as possible, My deliver date is very near.

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