I am using server side processing to display values in dtata table.
I need to display a or tag on onMouseover() event.
How i can make it possible?????????
This looks like the same as your other thread on this topic: http://datatables.net/forums/comments.php?DiscussionID=2924 . Did you get that sorted? If so, have a look at this FAQ: http://datatables.net/faqs#ss_events
I am getting all the values in localhost with out showing any JSON ERROR..
but when i am uploading that to the server It is showing JSON ERROR.
what may be reason for this ?
I suspect a json error :-). If you look at the return in Firebug - what is the json that is returned? http://jsonlint.com can help debugging json issues.
This is my JSON array. and i checked in the given link. It showing that the JSON is valid..
{"sEcho": 0, "iTotalRecords": 11, "iTotalDisplayRecords": 11, "aaData": [ ["new salesmalesales1234567890Edit<\/a>","Delete"],["sales1malesales19876543210Edit<\/a>","Delete"],["bbcmalevbvb1234567899asasasascomEdit<\/a>","Delete"],["bbcssfemalevbvbv1234567899asasasascomEdit<\/a>","Delete"],["ghghgfemalevbvb1234567899asasasascomEdit<\/a>","Delete"],["vbvbvfemalebvbbvb1234567899asasasascomEdit<\/a>","Delete"],["gfgffemaleffgfffgf1234567899asasasascomEdit<\/a>","Delete"],["fgdsfmalewewewewe1234567899asasasascomEdit<\/a>","Delete"],["wwwwmalewwww1234567899asasasascomEdit<\/a>","Delete"],["kjkjmaleqwqwqwqw1234567899asasasascomEdit<\/a>","Delete"],["jjkjmaleasas1234567899asasasascomEdit<\/a>","Delete"]] }
sEcho looks dodgy - it should never be 0. It should be returning exactly what is sent to the server-side script (cast as an integer for security reasons): http://datatables.net/usage/server-side
Thanks for your reply..
I have got both the threads that i had posted.
I am getting all the values in localhost with out showing any JSON ERROR..
but when i am uploading that to the server It is showing JSON ERROR.
what may be reason for this ?
This is my JSON array. and i checked in the given link. It showing that the JSON is valid..
{"sEcho": 0, "iTotalRecords": 11, "iTotalDisplayRecords": 11, "aaData": [ ["new salesmalesales1234567890Edit<\/a>","Delete"],["sales1malesales19876543210Edit<\/a>","Delete"],["bbcmalevbvb1234567899asasasascomEdit<\/a>","Delete"],["bbcssfemalevbvbv1234567899asasasascomEdit<\/a>","Delete"],["ghghgfemalevbvb1234567899asasasascomEdit<\/a>","Delete"],["vbvbvfemalebvbbvb1234567899asasasascomEdit<\/a>","Delete"],["gfgffemaleffgfffgf1234567899asasasascomEdit<\/a>","Delete"],["fgdsfmalewewewewe1234567899asasasascomEdit<\/a>","Delete"],["wwwwmalewwww1234567899asasasascomEdit<\/a>","Delete"],["kjkjmaleqwqwqwqw1234567899asasasascomEdit<\/a>","Delete"],["jjkjmaleasas1234567899asasasascomEdit<\/a>","Delete"]] }