bug in Resposive extension when a row child is shown.

bug in Resposive extension when a row child is shown.

HeoQueHeoQue Posts: 3Questions: 1Answers: 0

The extension calls the details.render if a row child is shown. (In my case the table has a details button which shows a child row once clicked. The bug appeared when I sorted a column and a child is shown)
I fixed it by commenting out the following in dataTables.responsive.js:

                dt.on('draw.dtr', function () {
                    dt.rows({ page: 'current' }).iterator('row', function (settings, idx) {
                        var row = dt.row(idx);
                        if (row.child.isShown()) {
                            var info = that.c.details.renderer(dt, idx);
                            row.child(info, 'child').show();
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