Inline tab issues - options
Inline tab issues - options
When I use info: false for inline tab - I can't tab between columns and I can only edit one cell for the table before it's uneditable. Any suggestions?
var editor; // use a global for the submit and return data rendering in the examples
$(document).ready(function() {
editor = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor( {
ajax: "../php/staff.php?userid=1",
table: "#example",
fields: [ {
label: "First name:",
name: "first_name"
}, {
label: "Last name:",
name: "last_name"
}, {
label: "Position:",
name: "position"
}, {
label: "Office:",
name: "office"
}, {
label: "Extension:",
name: "extn"
}, {
label: "Start date:",
name: "start_date",
type: "date"
}, {
label: "Salary:",
name: "salary"
} );
var table = $('#example').DataTable( {
dom: "Bfrtip",
info: false,
ajax: "../php/staff.php?userid=1",
columns: [
data: null,
defaultContent: '',
className: 'select-checkbox',
orderable: false
{ data: "first_name" },
{ data: "last_name" },
{ data: "position" },
{ data: "office" },
{ data: "start_date" },
{ data: "salary", render: $.fn.dataTable.render.number( ',', '.', 0, '$' ) }
order: [ 1, 'asc' ],
keys: {
columns: ':not(:first-child)',
keys: [ 9 ]
select: {
style: 'os',
selector: 'td:first-child'
buttons: [
{ extend: "create", editor: editor },
{ extend: "edit", editor: editor },
{ extend: "remove", editor: editor }
} );
table.on( 'key-focus', function ( e, datatable, cell ) {
editor.inline( cell.index(), {
onBlur: 'submit'
} );
} );
} );
This discussion has been closed.
Can you link to the page show I can debug the issue please? Are you seeing any errors in the console?