Not able to get ckeditor plugin to work.
Not able to get ckeditor plugin to work.

in Plug-ins
No output after adding CKeditor type.
ckeditor script is loaded but no output.
Changing the question field type to textarea does output the data.
Any tips on how to get this working?
$(document).ready(function() {
var editor = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor( {
"processing": true,
"serverSide": true,
"lengthMenu": [[ 25, 50, -1], [25, 50, "All"]],
ajax: 'testeditor.php',
table: '#vekt6_copo_verdict_questions',
fields: [
"label": "Order",
"name": "question_order"
"label": "Question Format",
"name": "question_type",
"type": "select",
"options": [
"label": "Question",
"name": "question",
"type": "ckeditor"
} );
// Activate an inline edit on click of a table cell
$('#vekt6_copo_verdict_questions').on( 'click', 'tbody td:not(:first-child)', function (e) {
editor.inline( this, {
buttons: { label: '>', fn: function () { this.submit(); } }
} );
} );
var table = $('#vekt6_copo_verdict_questions').DataTable( {
dom: 'Bfrtip',
ajax: 'testeditor.php',
columns: [
"data": "question_order"
"data": "question_type"
"data": "question"
"data": "approved"
//"data": "case_number",
"defaultContent": `<? echo "<a class='button' data-rokbox href='$casenumber'>Submit for approval</a>" ; ?>`
select: true,
lengthChange: false,
buttons: [
{ extend: 'create', editor: editor },
{ extend: 'edit', editor: editor },
{ extend: 'remove', editor: editor }
} );
} );
This discussion has been closed.