1. You just need to have a '$().click()' (or possibly "change" would be better if it works) event handler on the checkbox. Might be best to refer to the jQuery documentation for this one: http://docs.jquery.com/Events
2. There probably is, but it might not be possible with jEditable (I'm not sure, perhaps best to ask the guys who maintain it). If not, then I'm sure there must be a plug-in somewhere for jQuery or just pure Javascript which will do what you are looking for. It would also be possible to do this yourself with a $().click() event handler for each row.
The answer for yout first question is here http://www.appelsiini.net/projects/jeditable
I've implemented a select combobox only with this tutorial =) good luck
1. You just need to have a '$().click()' (or possibly "change" would be better if it works) event handler on the checkbox. Might be best to refer to the jQuery documentation for this one: http://docs.jquery.com/Events
2. There probably is, but it might not be possible with jEditable (I'm not sure, perhaps best to ask the guys who maintain it). If not, then I'm sure there must be a plug-in somewhere for jQuery or just pure Javascript which will do what you are looking for. It would also be possible to do this yourself with a $().click() event handler for each row.
I've implemented a select combobox only with this tutorial =) good luck