Failed to Load resource error BUG
Failed to Load resource error BUG

I am getting a failed to load resource error with DataTables 1.10.10. The resource it keeps trying to load is "/DataTables-1.10.10/" the issue is that location is obviously wrong. Per the new file/folder structure it should be looking for that file in this location "/DataTables-1.10.10/pdfmake-0.1.18/build/"
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Thanks for pointing that out. I'll have the download builder probably strip the mapping directive out until I have it properly working.
Hello, I've got the same problem.
Rails app reporting ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] "/assets/"):
I've tried collecting a new set of my versions from the site via download builder but no luck. Any chance I could get hold of the file?
You could grab the file from CDNJS.
I've not yet updated the downloader to strip out the mapping files - must get around to that!
Great thanks for the link.