Unable to select text after expand on a responsive table
Unable to select text after expand on a responsive table

When using a responsive table, I am unable to select any of the text after I expand the line details.
Even on the site example: https://datatables.net/extensions/responsive/examples/styling/bootstrap.html
If I expand any row, I'm unable to select (to copy/paste) the email addresses.
Dragging the mouse or dbl click doesn't select the text. The only way I found to select the text is start grabbing text from the end of the previous line, but this makes it impossible to select just a specific word or a cell if multiple were hidden under the details.
Tried on Firefox and Chrome.
This example posted in the blog back in July 2014 works fine, so I guess it got broken on more recent versions of responsive tables:
Anyone has any idea how to fix this?
This problem still exists. Even with child rows disabled (https://datatables.net/extensions/responsive/examples/child-rows/disable-child-rows.html).
Was anybody able to fix that?
This needs to be addressed. I can't move forward on my dataTable implementation with this issue. I will give it a go on finding out the culprit.
looks like something in responsive type:'column' causes it. If set to 'inline' I can select the row and individual cells text, but still unable to select all the child detail text when displayed
issue solved 4 days ago...
Thanks for letting me know!
FYI: the github version fixed text selection for me but killed responsiveness so I put the two together and this is what is needed replace this chunk of code with the existing similar code chunk, about line number 558 in the 2.0.0 dataTables.responsive.js file.
On my side the responsiveness is still working, but thanks for the fix anyway!
if it was fixed by the developer they could had posted it here...
Thanks for letting us know IRONM4N
When can we expect this to be rolled into the download builder? When I try to exclude the responsive plugin with the download builder I get all sorts of errors (Error: Invalid build options), even though I'm including the latest version of the responsive plugin locally.
Is this fixed now? I really don't have time to do a full update like I did on 1/29/16, but I need people to be able to cut/copy text within the child.
All I need to do is download a new "dataTables.responsive.js"? Can someone link to it?
For others, just update this: