selection in select drop-down is broken by arrow or key-in (mouse pick fine) - Internet explorer
selection in select drop-down is broken by arrow or key-in (mouse pick fine) - Internet explorer

in Select
Issue: selection in select drop-down is broken by arrow or key-in (mouse pick fine) when used with Internet explorer
Pre-condition: You should have Internet explorer installed.
Steps to reproduce:
- Go to
- Click on New button
- Enter the value of item.
- Press tab key for 3 times so that focus can be shifted to Priority dropdown.
- Press Alt+down arrow key. This should open the dropdown list.
- Using arrow key on key board, move the selection to number 5.
- Press Enter.
Expected result: Selected priority number 5 should have been populated in grid.
Actual result: First option available in drop-down list appears in grid for new entry added.
Could you please let me know what is the plan to fix it?
Please provide the reference how to fix it?
This discussion has been closed.
Interestingly this appears to effect Firefox and IE but not Chrome.
I will dig into this issue and post back shortly. Likewise it will require a change in Editor to detect such a case.
Looking into this further, it would appear there there is no good way to handle this in non-Chrome browsers. Ideally a return while the list is closed would submit the form, while a return with the list open would just select an item, but there is no API in the DOM to determine if the list os shown or not (at least not that I can find). A mouse click could be detected, but that is unreliable for keyboard access and also closing the list.
As such I think the only option is to display the return to submit on select elements altogether (Editor could detect Chrome, and I might yet make it do that, but I feel that it might be better to make it consistent across all browsers). That change will be int eh next release of Editor, which will be towards the end of this month, but if you'd like to make the change immediately, in the Editor source find:
and simply change it to be:
Thanks for the explicit instructions on how to reproduce the issue.
Hello Allan,
Did the changes for this issue get released? If so, in which build?
I'm working on a similar event that's not behaving as I'd expect. So, if I have the correct build then I can rule that out.
Please let me know and thanks!
~ Dave
Yes, 1.5.6 considers only
as a "return friendly node".Allan