Problem with different tables on same page with different data
Problem with different tables on same page with different data

I have an issue with 2 tables on same pages, relying on the "same" configuration options.
var table = ({...}); // shared table options without "data" property = <?= $datiTabellaJs;?>; // define data section for table1 - 30 records
$('#tabellaDati1').DataTable(table); // init table 1
console.log(; // correctly outputs 30 items
var table2 = table; // copy (?) options = <?= $datiTabella2Js;?>; // define data section for table1 - 30 records
$('#tabellaDati2').DataTable(table2); // init table 1
console.log(; // correctly outputs 10 items
Expected result:
table 1: 30 rows
table 2: 10 rows
Effectice result:
table 1: 30 rows
table 2: 30 rows
Where am I doing wrong?
Thank you,
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It's sort of hard to determine what's happening when so much of the code is missing. Since the number of displayed rows is based upon the length menu / length features, I would have to guess that you are not modifying, swapping out or setting that value correctly in your undisclosed code.