Processing message not showing up when first initialized
Processing message not showing up when first initialized

DataTables is set to show the processing message, but it won't show it upon first initialization while waiting for the JSON data (just says "Loading..."). It does show up whenever getting new data.
if (typeof(table) === 'object') {
//Get new data
table.ajax.url("/cfc/userAdmin.cfc?method=displayGroups&upn=" + upn).load();
} else {
table = $("#groupList").DataTable({
"iDisplayLength": 12,
"ajax": {
"url": "/cfc/userAdmin.cfc?method=displayGroups&upn=" + upn,
"dataSrc": 'DATA'
"processing": true,
"order": [0, 'asc'],
"dom": 'difrtp',
"language": {
"processing": "<i id='processingIcon' class='fa fa-cog fa-spin fa-2x'></i>",
"search": "<label for='filterField' class='sr-only'>Filter results</label>",
searchPlaceholder: "Filter groups",
"emptyTable": "No groups found"
// If I don't do this, users with few groups will not have their tables initialized?!?!!!
How can I make it appear the first time as well?
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OK, so I commented out this line (line 23):
and it did show the processing icon upon initialization. However, as noted in the comment above it, if I'm loading little data from the AJAX request, the table does not initialize without using that line. If there's more data, it initializes just fine. So that's not really an option. Any solution to either of these issues would fix both,Check the z-index of '.dataTables_processing'. I had to do the following to get mine to show:
Your issue may be totally unrelated but worth a shot.
Yes, it's unrelated. I did already try that, plus it only doesn't show up the first time.
check with initcomplete
What if you re-arranged your code to following