Internet Explorer ignoring cache ?
Internet Explorer ignoring cache ?

I've been searching for a solution for a couple of weeks now to no avail.
My web application uses Spring/Hibernate. When I make an AJAX call to retrieve data for my table(using Datatables), everything show up fine. However, when I click on a link and then click BACK to return to the table, IE and Firefox seem to behave differently :
- Display table page (AJAX call);
- Click link to go to new page;
- Click Back to return to table page;
- Database DAO NOT called to re-display data
- Display table page (AJAX call);
- Click link to go to new page;
- Click Back to return to table page;
- Database DAO IS called to re-display data
Why is this happening and how can I fix this ? Basically I'd like IE to behave like Firefox in this particular scenario.
$('#tableWithData').DataTable( {
serverSide : false,
ajax: {
"url": "/app/search/rowData",
"data": function ( d ) {
d.searchDeptlCntnrNo = $('#criteriaDeptlCntnrNo').val();
d.searchCntlNoCd = $('#criteriaCntlNoCd').val();
d.searchExactMatch = $('#criteriaExactMatch').val();
d.searchCntlNoCmpnt1 = $('#criteriaCntlNoCmpnt1').val();
d.searchCntlNoCmpnt2 = $('#criteriaCntlNoCmpnt2').val();
d.searchCntlNoCmpnt3 = $('#criteriaCntlNoCmpnt3').val();
d.searchCntlNoCmpnt4 = $('#criteriaCntlNoCmpnt4').val();
d.searchRangeField = $('#criteriaRangeField').val();
d.searchCntlNoCmpntQty = $('#criteriaCntlNoCmpntQty').val();
d.searchCntlNoCmpntRng = $('#criteriaCntlNoCmpntRng').val();
stateSave: true,
pagingType: "full_numbers",
deferRender: true,
scrollY: 400,
scrollCollapse: true,
scroller: true,
lengthChange: false,
"columns": columns,
language: {
"loadingRecords": loading data..."},
fnInitComplete: function(oSettings, json) {
language :{
"emptyTable": "Your query returned 0 results."
} );
Sounds like that might just be how the browsers work. What happens on other pages that use Ajax - can you see a similar effect?
Thank you for your input Allan.
In my environment, my only options are to use IE or Firefox. But based on what I've read, it is an IE issue with jQuery :
It looks like I'm stuck with this. I could open a new window when the user clicks a link but that just bad design.
Thanks for the link. That's useful info!