Can I use scrollX with responsive?
Can I use scrollX with responsive?

Can I use scrollX with responsive? I know in responsive it automatically manage the horizontal scroll by hide the column which are not fix in the window size. But when I collapse the record and one of the column have more width then the screen size or window size then it not work properly. It show scroll on window not on table like normal scrollX. Please tell me if there is any solution of that. Can I use both on same time responsive and scrollX?
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Open the output window on a new tab and quickly re-size the window you can see the column alignment will be disturb.
With my application in which I am using Datatable column header and column data alignment also disturb on load not only on re-sizing the window.
For the last example please try to click on second record "First Name: Ashton Cox" to see the scrollX effect.
In my application if I remove scrollX then application works fine, but when I put scrollX then the column alignment is disturb, onload as well as on re-size.