How to implement live DOM sorting?
How to implement live DOM sorting?

Hi there,
Just started using datatables am loving it!
How ever i'm a bit confused how to implement the live DOM sorting from this example:
I have my fields added as so:
function addRow() {
id ++;
var place = id + 1;
$('#maintable').dataTable().fnAddData( [
'<input type="text" class="datepicker" id="ddate'+id+'" name="ddate[]" size="8"/>',
'<select name="counter[]" id="count'+id+'"></select>',
'<select name="assol[]" id="assol'+id+'"><option value="liab">Buy</option><option value="asset">Sell</option></select>',
'<select name="undt[]" id="undt'+id+'"><option value="u3o8">U3O8</option><option value="inf">Inflation</option></select>',
'<select name="prodt[]" id="prodt'+id+'"><option value="out">Outright</option><option value="call">Ceiling (Call)</option><option value="put">Floor (Put)</option></select>',
'<select name="pricst[]" id="pricst'+id+'"><option value="float">Floating</option><option value="fix">Fixed</option><</select>',
'<input onkeyup="begin();" type="text" name="fp[]" id="fp'+id+'" size="6" />',
'<input onkeyup="begin();" type="text" name="discp[]" id="discp'+id+'" size="6" />',
'<input onkeyup="begin();" type="text" name="sizeinf[]" id="sizeinf'+id+'" size="6" />',
'<input onkeyup="begin();" type="text" name="strike[]" id="strike'+id+'" size="6" />',
'<input type="text" class="datepicker" name="besd[]" id="besd'+id+'" size="8" />',
'<span id="um'+id+'">',
'<span id="av'+id+'">',
'<span id="tl'+id+'">',
'<span id="pnl'+id+'">',
'<span id="suo'+id+'"></span>',
'<span id="sr'+id+'"></span>',
'<span id="si'+id+'"></span>',
'<span id="sv'+id+'"></span>',
] );
$( ".datepicker" ).datepicker( "destroy" );
$( ".datepicker" ).datepicker({ dateFormat: "yy-mm-dd" });
I've tried to use:
$.fn.dataTable.ext.order['dom-text'] = function ( settings, col )
return this.api().column( col, {order:'index'} ).nodes().map( function ( td, i ) {
return $('input', td).val();
} );
This has no effect thou.
I'm quite new to java scripts, but i can see its searching for inputs but none of my input columns will sort.
Probably doing something wrong here can any one point me in the right direction?
This discussion has been closed.
ok found the problem still had:
i have replaced with:
works great