Hello again i got a problem using serverside ...
WHen i execute de script(load page) nothing of data show on console neither screen please somebody knows why?
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Hello again i got a problem using serverside ...
WHen i execute de script(load page) nothing of data show on console neither screen please somebody knows why?
I'm sorry if the forum rules shown when posting a new message weren't clear enough. Please link to a test case showing the issue in order for us to be able to help.
I´m working in local now but the problem its simple, when i use
echo json_encode(
SSP::simple( $_GET, $sql_details, $table, $primaryKey, $columns )
(Obviusly i setup the another things tables, db, ...)
but the screen and the console don´t show me data ...
i debug with XDebugger and i can see the script get data but i don´t understand why can´t print it .
I will thanks your help
I don't understand why it wouldn't work either. As you can see my example does work - so there is something wrong somewhere with how it is setup on your system. Without a page to inspect I can't even being to guess where the issue might be I'm afraid.
i need know if is necessary set up some in xampp for show all the records in json i set up the memory of php ini i need set up another thing? thanks
The defaults should be fine I would have thought.
Because i midify the output comenting the data in output array and print correctly rowfiltered and another value , but when i discomment the data nothing of data will printed :(
Sorry - without an example I cannot offer any help. I really can't even begin to guess what is going wrong at the moment.