Load selected item's page
Load selected item's page

I am trying to load DataTable displaying the selected row (item was selected and recorded on previous steps) but I haven't been successfull so far. I constructed a function that set the selection based on a value (row_val) that is searched in a specific column (by_column_index). The problem is the page loaded is always the first, and not the nth where the selected item lives.
Here's the function:
function selectRow(dt, row_val, by_column_index) {
if (dt) {
var index = dt.rows().eq( 0 ).filter( function (rowIdx) {
return dt.cell( rowIdx, by_column_index ).data() === row_val ? true : false; } );
if (index) {
var page_index = dt.row( index ).select();
dt.page( dt.page() ).draw( false );
else {
dt.page( 0 ).draw( true );
I thought .page() could give the the selected item's page, but that is not the case. That seemed to be quite simple at first, but I already spend 3+ hours reading manuals, posts, etc.
Any thoughts?