Responsive Datatable 1.10 with bootstrap modal in table cell is showing as text in small screens
Responsive Datatable 1.10 with bootstrap modal in table cell is showing as text in small screens

This plug in so cool with the bootstrap responsive add on. I am using bootstrap modals in table cells instead of column values, which gives me the privilage to have more than one field in one particular cell of the table, thus useful with large forms with 50-60 fields. It is working pretty good for large screens. However, when I use it in small screens, the modal box disappears for the columns which are hidden. In other words, If I click on + (plus) sign as shown above. I just the name of the modal in text form and not the modal box. Can you help me out with this. I've a form with 50-60 fields in it. I really need to use modal box according to my requirement.
Could you post some code or a JSFiddle?
Here is the JSFiddle
However, I coudn't replicate the issue while making it. I used bootstrap 3.3.6 in it. FYI I've added the data dynamically from ajax in actually scenario, but in JSFiddle it is static. and cells which appear on clicking plus(+) sign comes as plain text rather than modal box as in contrast with the fiddle.