Q: Column Visibility bVisible sometimes true, sometimes 1, sometimes ""
Q: Column Visibility bVisible sometimes true, sometimes 1, sometimes ""

I am searching for this for quite some time now and cannot find a hint pointing me in the rigth direction. I hope someone here can help.
I have the case of a table, just initiating dataTables on it, without special columns or columnDefs. Only thing given is a data-visible attribute in case of true or false.
Now, datatables correctly shows/hides the correct columns, but some columns have the visibility value true, some 1. in case of __setColumnVis this now leads to the issue, that the inArray check for true is not working out and instead of adding a column back at the right position it is added to the end and everything is fed up.
I have looked in the source for quite some time, tried to debug where this mashup of true, false, "" and 1 is coming from, but I cannot see a thing where this is being created/set. If the column with visibility "1" is once hidden and shown again and then stored in local storage, the visible value is true and everything works afterwards.
Am I missing something? Am I not seeing something? I appreciate any help or pointing in the right direction.
Thanks a lot in advance
Can you link to a page showing the issue please. It should always be a boolean value for the column visibility.