Help inserting a non-database field ?
Help inserting a non-database field ?

So my datatable is working fine and can search properly, but i have an extra column before CandidateCode which is "Action" where i have 3 images for add edit and delete.
i read that i just have to add space but this still doesnt work for me:
$aColumns = array('','CandidateCode', 'Fname', 'Lname', 'Mobile1', 'Mobile2' ,'Landline', 'EmailAddress', 'EmailAddress2', 'Portal' , 'LinkedIn' , 'primary_skill' , 'YearStarted' , 'AppForm' , 'CreatedBy' , 'DateCreated');
$sIndexColumn = "CandidateCode";
$sTable = "candidate_view";
Here's the code that i'm trying i know it's wrong but what i want is to have an image that will go to another form, (same as edit).
$aColumns = array("<a href='new_position.php?CandidateCode=CandidateCode'><img src='../img/assign.png' style='width: 20px; height: 20px;' title='Assign to a Position'/></a>",'CandidateCode', 'Fname', 'Lname', 'Mobile1', 'Mobile2' ,'Landline', 'EmailAddress', 'EmailAddress2', 'Portal' , 'LinkedIn' , 'primary_skill' , 'YearStarted' , 'AppForm' , 'CreatedBy' , 'DateCreated');
Debugger displays an error but i don't have an idea how to handle it. putting a number, instead of space seems to work but that's not what i'm looking.
DT Debugger :
Thank you.