Using Array Data from Second Column
Using Array Data from Second Column

I am using datatable in jira gadget. My data is retrieved from ajax call and i use 'aaData' property. I want to add subTable for each column, so a button as first column for each row to show/hide subtable. I first used datatable and then appended new td element for each row with button. Everything is working fine, but the sub table is aligned to to only n-1 columns. I think it doesnot consider new added first column and while sorting for column number x, x-1 column gets highlighted. Again it does not consider first new added column.
I want to add table with extra column first and then use datatable. But in Datatable , i have to use array aaData from second column as first needs to contain button. Can you please help in my scenario?
I tried to use aaData with columnDefs, but its not working!