Error while processing cookie when bstatesave and processing on
Error while processing cookie when bstatesave and processing on

When the server side data is loaded, the call to save the state of the datatable is called. Here am getting an issue. Issue is exactly at the line 4428 of v1.9.2. oData is undefined it says.
var aCookies =document.cookie.split(';');
for ( var i=0, iLen=aCookies.length ; i<iLen ; i++ )
if ( aCookies[i].indexOf( sBaseName ) != -1 )
/* It's a DataTables cookie, so eval it and check the time stamp */
var aSplitCookie = aCookies[i].split('=');
try { oData = eval( '('+decodeURIComponent(aSplitCookie[1])+')' ); }
catch( e ) { continue; }
if ( oData.iCreate && oData.iCreate < iOldTime )
sOldName = aSplitCookie[0];
iOldTime = oData.iCreate;
when I debugged, i got to know there are 2 cookies one with the name SpryMedia_DataTables_myServiceListDataPane_data_spp
and value of JSON, and one more cookie with no name and only value as SpryMedia_DataTables_myServiceListDataPane_data_spp
. So when we are splitting at = and reading element at index 1 is undefined. Any idea why this cookie without name is created?