In V1.10.10, disabling a particular columns searchable functionality is working inconsistently.
In V1.10.10, disabling a particular columns searchable functionality is working inconsistently.

Hi all,
I'm new to datatables. In my project I have implemented a server side(python) table rendering feature. In all the tables I have set some specific columns such as "datetime" to searchable as "false". But its working properly only for selected tables. For some of my tables, the search feature of those columns are still true. I used these params 'aoColumns', 'aoCoulmsDef' and 'Columns' to set the particular columns searchable as "false, but still i couldn't set it..
Please let me know, if my question is not clear.
I literally looking forward for someone's help to clear these doubts.
I can also share the code snippets if needed.
Thanks for your question - however, per the forum rules can you link to a test case showing the issue please. This will allow the issue to be debugged.
Information on how to create a test page], if you can't provide a link to your own page can be found here.