Refreshing footer after fields changed with jEditable?
Refreshing footer after fields changed with jEditable?

I'm changing the number values in a table with jEditable and if I refresh the page it will sum the totals in the footer correctly. The problem is, it doesn't refresh when modifying a cell's value without reloading the entire table. I've created a function that runs:
var column = table.column(10);
$( column.footer() ).html(
table.column(10, {filter: 'applied'} ).data().sum()
Even if I run this function as part of the callback for jEditable when modifying a cell's value, it doesn't seem to refresh the footer's sum total. I searched on here and another person would destroy and reload the entire table, I'm hoping to not have to do that.
Is it because DataTable's doesn't see the value as really changed, or some cache, etc?
I am getting the data using ajax with server side processing.