Reload dynamic dataTable
Reload dynamic dataTable

Using Laravel, I use various Views containing each a DataTable with the same class, and different IDs. At any moment there is only one dataTable loaded in View (HTML). I get my data from ajax server side. My question is better explained here:
I am trying to keep my javascript as clean as possible so I would like to be able to refer to the currently loaded dataTable and ajax.reload it. Something like this:
//where mydttable is the class of every datatable I use in my project. This should work in my opinion, but it shows me "Processing..." and hangs there without reloading the dataTable.
I also tried:
var idtable = $('.mydttable').attr("id");
var table = $('#'+idtable);
Nothing happens (I mean the delete part works, except for the reload part, where it does nothing)
I also tried:
Also nothing happens.
Is there any way I can achieve this?
Is there a recommended way of using DataTables (multiple) with Laravel? Because I am having various difficulties using it that stops me from enjoying this amazing library
I think you forgot to add "retrieve" option to the ajax option may you can try like this
var table = $('#tableid').DataTable({
paging: true,
ajax: {
url: '/somedatasource',
dataSrc: "",
retrieve: true,
then when you need to reload you can use like this: