Cannot click and highlight input field on right side of table

Cannot click and highlight input field on right side of table

chuylerchuyler Posts: 3Questions: 2Answers: 0

When using fixed right columns, there are two functions that do not work as expected.

1) Double click should highlight the contents of the input field. Currently it causes loss of focus.

2) Click and drag to select text inside the input field should highlight the selected text. Currently it causes loss of focus.

3) Sequential single clicks should perform the following: first click focus on the input and place cursor where user clicks, second click highlight the word where the user clicks, third click highlight all text. Currently it causes loss of focus.

Because of this, the only way the user can erase the contents of an input box is to click on it then use the arrow keys and delete key to remove the text.

I have provided an example in jsfiddle.

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