Server-side processing parameters with ssp.class.php
Server-side processing parameters with ssp.class.php

I have been struggling for a few days now.
I am trying to use the ssp.class.php for a few days now, but I have not been able to make it work at 100%. I obtain the data from the ssp.class.php, but the parameters being passed to the file by DataTables does not quite fit the variable mapping in the ssp.class.php file.
For example:
DataTables passes $_REQUEST["iDisplayStart"] while SSP.class is expecting $_REQUEST["start"]... and so on:
DataTables sends => SSP.class is expecting
============= =================
$REQUEST["iDisplayStart"] => $_REQUEST["start"]
$_REQUEST["iDisplayLength"] => $_REQUEST["length"]
$_REQUEST["bSortable".$column] => $REQUEST["order"]
$_REQUEST["sSearch".$column] => $REQUEST["columns"][==COLUMN==]
$_REQUEST["sSearch".$column] => $REQUEST["search"]
$_REQUEST["bSearchable.$column"] => $_REQUEST["searchable"][==COLUMN==]
$_REQUEST["???"] => $_REQUEST["draw"]
Can anyone help me with this?
Does anyone has a DataTables.js that passes the correct variables to ssp.class.php?
Or does anyone has a php script to transform the variables sent by datatables to the correct format expected by the ssp.class.php?
I greatly appreciate all the help I can get.