JS script not getting loaded when accessing URL using IP address but working with localhost
JS script not getting loaded when accessing URL using IP address but working with localhost

Hi. I am sorry for this question but am facing a strange issue which is probably related to handling file and folder permissions. Being new to web programming and the fact that it is specific to editor and datatables, I'm posting the question here.
The browser console shows the error "Unable to load resource" for the file jquery.dataTables.min.js and is not abe to load the library classes for the Editor object as well. This only happens when I access the URL through the local IP address (eg. There is no issue when I access using localhost in the URL. Because of this the datatable doesn't display any data. Please help why this is specific to Editor and datatables as other js scripts are getting loaded without any issue.
I am using xampp.
I'm afraid that this is outside the scope of the help I can offer here. It sounds like a server configuration issue (I'm not even sure what your http server is). I would check that the server has access rights to be able to read the files, regardless of the requesting host. Beyond that you will need to ask in the support channels of whomever makes your http server.
Hi Allan,
I am using the Apache server that comes bundled with Xampp. Okay I'll try to resolve it by asking in a different forum. Thanks for the great software!