Table.row String selector bugged
Table.row String selector bugged

Dear friends, I made this fiddle to demonstrate an issue with the table.row String selector.
Basically, when there is no ID that matches the seached String, and the searched String doesn't contain weird characters, it correctly returns undefined.
When there is no ID that matches the seached String, and the searched String contains weird characters, it raises a Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression exception.
When there is no ID that matches the seached String, and the search takes a Jquery object as its input, it correctly returns undefined.
Am I missing something?
Thank you
Have a nice day,
I'm not sure I see the issue I'm afraid. If you are passing in an invalid selector it throws an error. That seems okay to me. That is exactly what jQuery does - and in fact where the error that you are seeing is coming from (DataTables uses jQuery for DOM selection).