Sorting doesn't work after ajax data load datatables jquery
Sorting doesn't work after ajax data load datatables jquery

I have posted the question on stackover flow as well no one is ready to help so now coming here. and its urgent...
In our application we have a table of cameras and currently am getting all cameras in Apps controller and returning them in form of JSON to Datables
. every thing is working fine except 2 things.
1: Sorting don't work on any column. after putting "aaSorting": [[5, "desc"]]
it just show an sorting icon on that column but dont do any sort + else columns just do the same thing..
2: As we put some values to filter then filter shows records for 2 pages. But when we click the pagination to move on next page. filter just removed and the 2 page out of 274 (which are total rows without filter) is being showed in view.
cameras_table = undefined
page_load = true
sendAJAXRequest = (settings) ->
token = $('meta[name="csrf-token"]')
if token.size() > 0
headers =
"X-CSRF-Token": token.attr("content")
settings.headers = headers
xhrRequestChangeMonth = jQuery.ajax(settings)
initializeDataTable = ->
cameras_table = new Datatable
headers = undefined
token = $('meta[name="csrf-token"]')
if token.size() > 0
headers = 'X-CSRF-Token': token.attr('content')
src: $('#cameras_datatables')
onSuccess: (grid) ->
# execute some code after table records loaded
onError: (grid) ->
# execute some code on network or other general error
onDataLoad: (grid) ->
#do something
'bStateSave': false
'lengthMenu': [
[ 25, 50, 100, 150 ]
[ 25, 50, 100, 150 ]
'pageLength': 50
'processing': true
'language': 'processing': '<img src="/assets/loading.gif">'
'method': 'GET'
'headers': headers
'url': '/load_cameras'
columns: [
{data: "0", "render": linkCamera },
{data: "1", "render": linkOwner },
{data: "2" },
{data: "3" },
{data: "4" },
{data: "5" },
{data: "6" },
{data: "7" },
{data: "8" },
{data: "9" },
{data: "10" },
{data: "11" },
{data: "12", "render": colorStatus },
{data: "13", "sType": "uk_datetime" },
{data: "14", visible: false }
initComplete: ->
# execute some code on network or other general error
searchFilter = ->
$('.table-group-action-input').on "keyup", ->
action = $('.table-group-action-input').val()
cameras_table.setAjaxParam 'fquery', action.replace("'","''")
columnsDropdown = ->
$(".cameras-column").on "click", ->
column = cameras_table.getDataTable().column($(this).attr("data-val"))
column.visible !column.visible()
colorStatus = (name) ->
if name is "true" || name is true
return "<span style='color: green;'>True</span>"
else if name is "false" || name is false
return "<span style='color: red;'>False</span>"
linkCamera = (name, type, row) ->
return "<a href='/cameras/#{row[15]}'>#{row[0]}</a>"
linkOwner = (name, type, row) ->
return "<a href='/users/#{row[16]}'>#{row[1]}</a>"
showTable = ->
$(window).load ->
$('#cameras-list-row').removeClass 'hide'
window.initializeCameras = ->
NOTE: while clicking on columns headers it shows as its doing something like loading or else but dont show results accordingly.
Any help will be appreciated. thanks.