File Upload (Cordova Wrap application)
File Upload (Cordova Wrap application)

Hi Guys,
has anyone from you were able to wrap datatables using apache cordova?, using cordova SIM the the error has something to do with FileReader.js
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but in the browser, the file upload functionality of the app is working as expected
I believed this has something to do with the cordova file plugin, I think this is not something to do with datatables per se
@fatman - can you link to the page showing the issue please? I don't know much about Cordova, but perhaps being able to see the page might help.
Hi Allan,
Sorry for late reply, anyway the aformentioned app is working as expected on the browser the file upload field were able to pickup the picture via camera/file/photos on the phone. but when I wrapped up the application inside cordova the problem occur.
there was an error during upload on the picture, but i'm pretty sure that it's nothing to do with datatables per se. on apache logs i don't see any incoming request from the apps. I believed i should be able to fixed this by installing cordova-plugins-file on cordova to have a system level access on the phone file system.
I'm using JBOSS developer studio to create the application and I believed there was a bug installing cordova-plugins-file to cordova using the IDE.
sorry the application is within our intranet I can't share it with you. anyway you can easily reproduce the issue by packaging a simple app that involves file upload field and wrapped it inside cordova. let me try to reproduce the issue using cordova CLI without using the the JBOSS IDE to triage the issue and i'll get back on this thread.
on cordova simulator the error has something to do with FileReader.js is missing.