Jquery to add/create form with one - many data.
Jquery to add/create form with one - many data.

HI Friends,
I am new to this JQUERY world, and I am trying to build a project where I need to add data with one to many relation.
for example:
Primary table :
table_id integer
customize_tag varchar(50)
account_id integerSeconary table
account_id integer
Account name VARCHAR(50)
Account Manager VARCHAR(50)
Account leverage double
I am planning to show the main screen as:
Customize_ tag Account names selected seperated by commas.
On Clicking the New Button, I want to accept
Customize_tag &
Show a grid with "Account name, Account manager and Account Leverage" and with multi selection or checkbox with multi selection option
So in one Create form, user should be able to select multiple account for a single customize tag. Same applies fo Edit.
Kindly advise, if this is doable, if not, what are the other option you would suggest
if yes, how ?
Hi Prabhu,
That should all be quite possible with Editor. I'd suggest you start out by using Generator for Editor to start building your simple tables, and then built it up into a one-to-many table.
Thanks Allan, for your prompt response, but how do I specify it type: 'grid' ? as there are checkbox, Radio buttons, but I need a grid to display columns "Account name, Account manager and Account Leverage".
Do you mean that you want a DataTable inside the Editor form, with the ability to select multiple items?
I'm afraid there isn't a published plug-in for that yet. it is something I'm working on, but it isn't quite right yet!
Yes, Allan, Some thing similar to
Instead of delete option I want Check box in the grid.
Let me know when this feature would be available ?
I'll announce it on the DataTables blog which this plug-in is available.
Any ETA ?
Currently no. Support work is taking about 90% of my time at the moment, so I'm not giving any ETAs at the moment I'm afraid until I can stabilise the demands on my time.
ok thx