Reset column visibility and reorder on a single button
Reset column visibility and reorder on a single button

Hello everyone!
I'm using datatables with the buttons colvis, colReorder and stateSave enabled.
I want to provider users to option to reset both the order and the column visibility back to the original state.
To reset the column reorder, I found that I could create a custom button, and it works fine:
"text": 'Reset order',
"action": function ( e, dt, node, config ) { table.colReorder.reset(); }
But I couldn't find a way to include on tat button the code to reset the column visibility back to original state. The only way I could do that was adding another button that shows all columns:
extend: 'colvisGroup',
text: 'Show all',
show: ':hidden'
So, does anyone know a a way to combine both operations on a single button?
PS: I tried adding the "postfixButtons: [ 'colvisRestore' ]" on the column picker, but since I'm using stateSave, it doesn't revert back to original state but instead into the previous saved state.
Thank you!
I think I figured that out after looking into source code.
"text": 'Column Reset',
"action": function ( e, dt, node, config ) { table.colReorder.reset(); dt.columns( ).visible( true ); }
You are correct in regards to colReorder.reset().
As for column visibility reset, check out my answer in this post,
This will allow you to have permanently hidden columns, that you can then control via code when to show/hide, and columns that you wish not to be hidden.