Excel button extension from npm package
Excel button extension from npm package

I have installed datatables.net-buttons and jszip from npm as I am using Browserify. I am wondering if it is possible to pass in JSZip as a parameter to the Buttons extension (like I do with window
and $
), as right now it seems to only work if it is a global:
'use strict';
const $ = require('jquery');
const JSZip = require('jszip');
window.JSZip = JSZip; // required to make Buttons extension work for Excel button
require('datatables.net')(window, $);
require('datatables.net-responsive')(window, $);
require('datatables.net-buttons')(window, $);
require('datatables.net-buttons/js/buttons.colVis')(window, $);
require('datatables.net-buttons/js/buttons.html5')(window, $);
require('datatables.net-buttons/js/buttons.print')(window, $);
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You are correct - at the moment the Buttons extensions require JSZip to be globally available. That is most certainly a flaw in their current setup. I'll need to have a little think about how to best resolve that in the UMD loader, but I think you are right, it should simply be a case of adding an extra parameter to the constructor.
I'll post back here once I've taken a closer look.
I've committed the fix for this and it will be in Buttons 1.2.
Thanks for flagging this up!
Hi allan,
Sounds great. Do you have an estimate for when Buttons 1.2 will be available on npm? Some of my team members are eagerly waiting to upgrade in order to remove some of our server-side exporting functionality.
It will be nest week now. Had hoped for today, but I think that's going to slip unfortunately.
I've got a similar implementation to the OP. How does Buttons 1.2 implement this?
As above, you need to include the individual button definition files from the package.