I use col resize and need no wrap property on first load of table
I use col resize and need no wrap property on first load of table

Currently I use datatables with the col resize plugin (https://github.com/Silvacom/colResize) in order the user resize width columns. But still I need no wrap content when first load the table so the columns on first load must be the maximum width without any break lines in the content of any of the visible cells in that column.
I use the CSS config property nowrap for datatables but the problem is I cant resize using colresize plugin to smaller column width but collresize plugin still can resize and increase column width.
I need the user can reduce to smaller width of columns too.
It seem that set the nowrap property do not allow decrease width because no wrap CSS is applied to the TABLE TAG and only allow increase the width of columns but no decrease
Do you know a property or plugin for this?
Thanks in advance