deferRender is work on row only. can deferRender work on column?
$(document).ready(function() { var data = []; var columns = []; var rowdata = []; for ( var i=0 ; i< 200 ; i++ ) { columns.push({ title: "Title" + i }); rowdata.push(i); } for ( var i=0 ; i< 5000 ; i++ ) { data.push(rowdata); } $('#example').DataTable( { data: data, deferRender: true, // scrollX: true, scrollY: 200, scrollCollapse: true, scroller: true, columns: columns } ); } );
the vertical scrolling performance is very poor
The deferRender option works for rows only, as the documentation for that option describes. There is unfortunately no option to virtualise the column rendering at this time.
Regards, Allan
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the vertical scrolling performance is very poor
option works for rows only, as the documentation for that option describes. There is unfortunately no option to virtualise the column rendering at this time.Regards,