Create Hyperlink column to trigger AJAX load with new URL parameter
Create Hyperlink column to trigger AJAX load with new URL parameter

Given a v1.10 datatable defined thusly:
var oTable = $('#results').DataTable({ "pageLength": 100, "oLanguage": { "sSearch": "Search in results:" }, "createdRow": function(row, data, dataIndex) { if (data[10] >= 330) { $(row).css({ "color": "blue" }) } }, "ajax": { url: 'include/search.php', type: 'GET', data: { // The following values are coming from a search form and the table def is part of the submit button action 'searchType': "criteria", 'country': $('select[name=country]').val(), 'aboNo': $('#aboNo').val(), 'nameSearchType': $('select[name=nameSearchType]').val(), 'currAward': $('select[name=currAward]').val(), 'currAwardCompare': $('select[name=currAwardCompare]').val(), 'highAward': $('select[name=highAward]').val(), 'highAwardCompare': $('select[name=highAwardCompare]').val(), 'aboName': $('#aboName').val() } } });
I would like to make the 5th column a hyperlink that reloads the AJAX, changing the URL parameters as below:
"ajax": { url: 'include/search.php', type: 'GET', data: { 'searchType': "sponsor", 'spon_no': << the value in the clicked cell from the 5th column >>, } }
I'm not quite sure how to define the column, nor implement the action on click. Any help would be appreciated.
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Adding the following columnDef and defining a function to recreate the table with a new
property for theajax
option worked.