ajaxReload - All Rows are Selected
ajaxReload - All Rows are Selected

Hi people,
i often have to reload the ajax from my server-side script based on external parameters. When i get the result and the table is drawn all rows get automatically selected. Why could this happen? Any ideas?
i would be happy if someone coul give me a hint...
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We would need a test case showing the issue please. Using
should not automatically select the rows.Allan
Hi Allan,
Thank's for your reply!
Selecting also hapepns on ordering the columns...
Thanks for the link. Unfortunately it isn't loading data at the moment:
you have to press f5 1 time then it's working...
But i think i got it solved on my local copy so far by updating to the latest version of Datatables. (next time i will do that wirst... sorry! )
No problem - good to hear you have it working now.