Right column is not fixed all the way to the right of the dataTable
Right column is not fixed all the way to the right of the dataTable

Hi All
Hope everyone's doing well today. I'm having a problem where when setting the fixed columns options to both left and right, and only having horizontal scrolling the right column is not fixed all the way to the right of the dataTables table, seem like it's there's a little space that's catering for a vertical scroll bar as well.
So my question is how would I fixed it all the way to the right of the dataTable? Here is my code:
oPackageTable = $( "#package-table" ).dataTable({
processing: true,
serverSide: true,
ajax: "{{ url( 'auth/packagesandspecials/get-packages' ) }}",
columns: [
data: "package_id",
render: function ( data, type, row ) {
if ( type === 'display' ) {
return '<input type="checkbox" class="editor-active">';
return data;
className: "dt-body-center"
,{ "data": 'package_reference', "targets": 2 }
,{ "data": 'holiday_type_desc', "targets": 3 }
,{ "data": 'country_name', "targets": 4 }
,{ "data": 'supplier_reference', "targets": 5 }
,{ "data": 'package_heading', "class": "nowrap", "targets": 6 }
,{ "data": 'availability', "class": "nowrap", "targets": 7 }
,{ "data": 'location_name', "class": "nowrap", "targets": 8 }
,{ "data": 'per_person_sharing_rate', "targets": 9 }
,{ "data": 'per_person_single_rate', "targets": 10 }
,{ "data": 'short_description', "class": "nowrap", "targets": 11 }
,{ "data": 'long_description', "class": "nowrap", "targets": 12 }
,{ "data": 'terms_and_conditions_desc', "class": "nowrap", "targets": 13 }
,{ "data": 'includes', "class": "nowrap", "targets": 14 }
,{ "data": 'excludes', "class": "nowrap", "targets": 15 }
data: "package_id",
render: function ( data, type, row ) {
if ( type === 'display' ) {
return "<a onclick=\"open_package_dialog('" + data + "');\">Edit</a> <a onclick=\"delete_package('" + data + "');\">Delete</a>";
return data;
className: "dt-body-center"
,fixedColumns: {
leftColumns: 1,
rightColumns: 1
,"pagingType": "full_numbers"
,scrollCollapse: true
,scrollX: true
,stateSave: true
This discussion has been closed.