Important: Is there any possibility to develop a crosstab with dynamic-conditional-format?
Important: Is there any possibility to develop a crosstab with dynamic-conditional-format?

Please help me to get the apropiated support.
I am part of a Business Intellingence Team and we are developing a Dashboard with Design Studio Release 1.6 (Version 16.0.5). The Dashboard contains a list of KPIs in crosstab, and each KPI has two important rows: 1) The Value and 2) The Budget.
The purpose of my request is to know if is there any possibility to develop a functionality to paint the cell value with any of the next options (dynamic-conditional-format):
OPTION1: Yellow when the value is between +/- 5% of the budget or Red when the value is lower than 5% of the budget or keep it blank when it's higher than 5% over the budget.
OPTION 2: Red when the value is lower than the budget or keep it blank when it's higher than the budget.
It is very important for me to have your feedback as soon as possible.
Thank you very much.
Kind Regards,
Hi Gabriel,
It sounds like you want to use the
option.With that you can apply some logic to the data and attach a class as you require to highlight the cell.
If you try to create an example page and snuggle with it, feel free to post a link to it here and I'll take a look. Alternatively, if you want me to make an example for you, the Quick Support - 60 option would cover it.