jQuery functionality not working on rendered form fields in Datatable

jQuery functionality not working on rendered form fields in Datatable

iSabieriSabier Posts: 8Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited November 2010 in General
Hello folks!

Been using Datatables in many applications and so far it's worked like a charm. But I've hit a snag when form fields are inserted using 'fnrender'.

As per my understanding, 'fnrender' returns a string instead of the actual DOM object. Fair enough. So I tried something different.

Due to company policy I cannot share my code but I can explain my workflow.

1. Datatable is first initialized. As expected, no data is available for view.

2. I called an external ajax on page load that returns the a json data. (ex. $.ajax({...some code here...}))

3. The json is parsed and 'fnAddData()' is called to insert the records into the datatable. (the method is called in $.ajax() 'success' function)

The first column has only checkboxes. The data appears fine. However, any kind of jquery functionality on the checkbox fails such as 'click' or 'hover'. I can serialize the data on submit button but I can't do anything with the form fields themselves.

In short, I can't perform any validation on form fields in a Datatable no matter how I try.

Is there absolutely any way that I can perform jQuery related functions on Datatable form fields?

Thanks for any kind of help.

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