Custom ajax function with pagination
Custom ajax function with pagination

I use DataTable with a custom ajax function. Something like this:
ajax: function(data, fnCallbackDataTable, settings)
var objAPI = new myCustomAPIClass();
objAPI.list(param1, param2, function(list){
fnCallbackDataTable( {data: list} );
So far, so good, I get more than 20 rows and Datatables automatically create a second page. But when a user go to second page no ajax is executed, I don't know why.
The question is: How can I say to Datatables to execute my ajax function for each page? It is possible?
For now my ajax get all results at once, but this dataset will to be much bigger.
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You want DataTables to request more data from your function on every page? If so, that is called server-side processing in DataTables
This manual page covers an overview of DataTables' data source options.
Nice, Allan.
Thans for fast reply and for links.
I will read and try implement.