Migrate from v1.10.3 to 1.10.11
Migrate from v1.10.3 to 1.10.11

Hi, I'm trying to migrate and have several issues:
1 How to remove arrows coming out at the head of each column.
They're displayed mixed with triangles.
I can remove triangles, deleting 'images' folder, but I want that it displays triangles.
2 The page numbers go far apart and when you put the mouse over a black box comes as a frame.
How I can put them together and remove the frame?
3 How to set to sort, correctly, a column of dates with format ('dd/mm/yyyy')
configuration: "{ type: "date", targets: [1,2] }", no works
In older version I used 'date-eu.js', but it's deprecated
4 How to set search-box to search correctly words with accents (á, à, ü) and especial charts (ç, ñ, ·)
Regardless if it is case sensitive
In older version I use a modifed version of 'accent-neutralise.js': https://datatables.net/forums/discussion/21201/filtering-spanish-accents-in-searching-box#latest
1) I'd need to see the page showing the issue so it can be debugged please.
2) DataTables doesn't use frames. I'm afraid I don't understand really (would need a test case)
3) I would suggest using the Moment DateTime plug-in which the plug-in you mentioned is deprecated in favour of.
is still the way to do that.Allan
I can't use data out of server. Thanks a lot.
I'm afraid I don't really understand. What do you mean you can't use the data from the server?
As I noted above, in order to be able to offer any help I'd need a link to a test case showing the issue. If you can't provide a link to your own page use JSFiddle or similar.
Sorry, it means that I can't use external debuggers because all data is hosting in private servers.
I'll continue using 1.10.3
Thanks so much.
That's a shame - I would like to have fixed any issues present in 1.10.11, but no worries.